Speak: English
My description is : I'm very explosive when something pisses me off, but I'm very cheerful when I'm happy and willing to give my care and kindness. I'm very sentimental and I take everything to heart, I don't like it when people are just taken advantage of
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I like: I love coffee, I'm a coffee addict. I love music that hooks in the first 3 seconds. I love comfort, warmth. Loved every season. I love blizzards if I don't have to go anywhere. I love movies - documentaries, drama, comedy. I like to sleep. I love the sea and the mountains.
I don't like: I do not like those who do not hold the word. I do not like people who are late. I do not like the weak. I also do not like Monday morning
SandraGray is a Female • Soul Mate model working on Cream Sucre🍰 and talking about herself: I love coffee, I'm a coffee addict. I love music that hooks in the first 3 seconds. I love comfort, warmth. Loved every season. I love blizzards if I don't have to go anywhere. I love movies - documentaries, drama, comedy. I like to sleep. I love the sea and the mountains..