Speak: English, Spanish
My description is : Hey there, Sab here, who is there? I am a little piece of all the things I have seen, touched, heard and felt. I am a little piece of what you are with me, but who are you?
format="ago" full="yes"]. Live from my sex cam, best amateur porn cam, so enter my vip show at 2.49 on lj and cum masturbate with me! Instan sex show on Cream Sucre🍰.
I like: I like coffee in the morning, the sun when it smiles, I like sweets, I love sweets! I like the wind when I ride my bike, I like painting, animals and the good books! I love THE SMITHS :) is my fav band.
I don't like: I don't like rude people, I respond the same way people talk to me, I don't like lies, tight shoes!! Oh and not when the ice cream melts and my hands are sticky 🙄
SabrinaBlossom is a Female • Soul Mate model working on Cream Sucre🍰 and talking about herself: I like coffee in the morning, the sun when it smiles, I like sweets, I love sweets! I like the wind when I ride my bike, I like painting, animals and the good books! I love THE SMITHS :) is my fav band..