Speak: English
My description is : a creative and energetic girl who loves to travel, discovering new countries and cultures. In his free time, he watches films, inspired by their plots and emotions. Works as a hairdresser, creating stylish looks and transforming people. A creative personality, always strives for self-expression and new acquaintances.
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I like: Most of all I like to be useful. I enjoy being able to help people, whether it be through my job as a hairdresser, giving advice or just being a supporter when someone needs it. It gives me a sense of satisfaction and meaning.
I don't like: I don't like it when people underestimate each other or act dishonestly. I also don't like boring and monotonous days when there is no inspiration for creativity and self-expression.
ReinVolPel is a Female • Girls model working on Cream Sucre🍰 and talking about herself: Most of all I like to be useful. I enjoy being able to help people, whether it be through my job as a hairdresser, giving advice or just being a supporter when someone needs it. It gives me a sense of satisfaction and meaning..