Speak: English
My description is : Tempting, young, wise! I might seem shy at first, but that's because you haven't meet me! I can make you smile, you will feel wanted! We will laugh, we will have a great time and at the end, we will climax in the most powerful way. What is making you genuinely smile? If you don't have an answer yet, let me assure you, I will be one of the very reasons!
format="ago" full="yes"]. Live from my sex cam, best amateur porn cam, so enter my vip show at 2.99 on lj and cum masturbate with me! Instan sex show on Cream Sucre🍰.
I like: I enjoy sweets, listening to music, I am a fast learner, I enjoy listening and learning new things.
I don't like: Not being listened, rude boys and agression.
Minnie is a Female • Girls model working on Cream Sucre🍰 and talking about herself: I enjoy sweets, listening to music, I am a fast learner, I enjoy listening and learning new things..