Speak: English, German, Spanish
My description is : My name is Kate and I am going to university to become a biology teacher. At school I always enjoyed understanding how nature works. I love Harry Potter! He always believed in himself despite the difficulties and that inspires me. When I have time I watch thrillers, especially those that make you think and keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end. Studying at university is a new challenge but I love it! I am thrilled that I can teach and learn at the same time. It is a step towards my dream of becoming a teacher who inspires others and helps them realize their potential.
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I like: I love to eat delicious food and I always enjoy trying something new, especially when I travel. Every trip is an opportunity to discover new cuisines and unusual dishes. For me, shopping is not just shopping, but a whole process of searching for stylish and unique things. I like to find something special that no one else has.
I don't like: I don't like evil and rude people.
KateKing is a Female • Girls model working on Cream Sucre🍰 and talking about herself: I love to eat delicious food and I always enjoy trying something new, especially when I travel. Every trip is an opportunity to discover new cuisines and unusual dishes. For me, shopping is not just shopping, but a whole process of searching for stylish and unique things. I like to find something special that no one else has..