Speak: English
My description is : I am a journalist, I love meeting new people and communicating with them. This is my job, and at the same time my hobby. )) My humor sometimes interferes with communicating with stupid people, but it doesn’t upset me. I love cooking delicious food, growing flowers, traveling to new countries and cities. I help homeless animals, dogs are better than people. ))
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I like: Smart and kind men with whom it is interesting to communicate. Cats, flowers, travel, delicious food, quality wine. I love to pose and receive compliments. I can't live without dark chocolate. )))
I don't like: Stupid, rude, evil people. Bad weather, rain, I hate winter.
EllenDevis is a Female • Soul Mate model working on Cream Sucre🍰 and talking about herself: Smart and kind men with whom it is interesting to communicate. Cats, flowers, travel, delicious food, quality wine. I love to pose and receive compliments. I can't live without dark chocolate. ))).