Speak: English
My description is : Hello! I`m Stephanie! I am a university student studying law. I enjoy immersing myself in my studies, studying laws and case law, building arguments and thinking logically.
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I like: In my free time, I prefer to spend it with my close girlfriends. We often go to restaurants, try new dishes, discuss the latest news and just enjoy time together. Sometimes we also go to clubs, dance and party until the morning. My life is full of variety - studying, social media, time with friends. I try to find a balance between all these spheres and do my best to develop and be happy!
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BereniceDaines is a Female • Girls model working on Cream Sucre🍰 and talking about herself: In my free time, I prefer to spend it with my close girlfriends. We often go to restaurants, try new dishes, discuss the latest news and just enjoy time together. Sometimes we also go to clubs, dance and party until the morning. My life is full of variety - studying, social media, time with friends. I try to find a balance between all these spheres and do my best to develop and be happy!.